Reality of drugs in our schools


The misuse of drugs amongst the youth is rife as ever. Drug information should be scientifically accurate, objective, non-biased and presented without value-judgement with the aim of harm-reduction and abstinence. The problem is not going to go away on its own, it is time to be pro-active in finding a lasting solution. The workshop is focused on empowering professionals to assist youth with an addiction problem.

Aims of the workshop:

  • Identifying different drugs being used by the youth.
  • Identifying the signs and symptoms of drug use.
  • Discussion of phases of addiction.
  • Discussion of high risk factors and why youth use drugs.
  • Exploration of the family dynamics and roles regarding drug use.
  • Providing guidance to parents regarding what to do if their child is using drugs/ alcohol.
  • Identifying the process of helping and referring a youth with a drug problem.
  • Discussion of drug policies and testing in schools.
  • Discussion regarding ethical responsibilities of the therapist and school regarding reporting of drug use.

Outcomes of the workshop:

After completion of the workshop the participants will be able to:

  • Be able to identify the drugs used by the youth and the effects of them.
  • Understand the phases of addiction and factors that influence it.
  • Be able to give guidance to parents and schools on how to report and refer a youth with a drug addiction.
  • Have clarity on ethical responsibilities regarding reporting drug use in and out of a therapeutic relationship.
  • Understand the policies needed and support structure that can be put in place in schools to deal with drug abuse more effectively.


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