Date: 22 September 2017

Time: 8:30-13:30

Price: R1200

Venue: Dalpark-Education Development Centre. 18 Essenhout Street, Dalpark, Brakpan.

Presenter: Dr. Lenette Kruger

CPD:  5 General; Level 1


As Psychologists one of the main assessment instruments we use is the Intelligence Scale (Wisc or SSAIS-R) to ascertain what the learner’s potential and difficulties are. However, after the completion of these assessments the question always remains- “now what?” The workshop is aimed at answering this question about what to do about the areas that was identified for intervention.

Aims of the workshop:

  • Understanding of what the subtests of the Intelligence Scale measures.
  • Discussion of the manifested difficulties of each subtest and index.
  • Discussion of practical remediation strategies for each subtest and index.
  • Ethical considerations regarding reporting of Intelligence scores.

Outcomes of the workshop:

After completion of the workshop the participants will be able to:

  • Have a clearer understanding of what the subtests and indexes measures
  • Have knowledge of what type of difficulties is manifested by a delay in each subtest.
  • Be able to recommend practical remedial strategies to address difficulties for each subtest and index.

Be able to ethically report the findings of an Intelligence assessment.

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