Dear Lenette

A big, big thank-you from Taryn and myself for pin-pointing her eye problem.

We are eternally grateful to you, you have truly transformed Taryn’s life…. her teachers have even commented on how much more confident and happy she is since she got her glasses!


With love

Shavaune and Taryn xx

Dear Lenette,

Thank you soooo much for such good news. You’ve really been amazing in the way you’ve worked with our daughter. She is bound to reach her potential and perform to the best of her ability because of the work you’ve managed to put in all this. In isiZulu we say “Ungadinwa nangomuso. Wenze njalo nakwabanye” Roughly translating as “Don’t tire in doing the good work that you do. Continue to be blessing to others”.

Thanks and Regards


Karin Bouwer het Dr. Lenette Kruger geresenseer – 5 sterre 21 Januarie 2016·

Dr. Kruger se werklike omgee vir my kind asook die raad en advies wat sy vir my gegee het was vir my van onskatbare waarde. Die verslag wat sy van my kind opgestel het was van uiterste hoogstaande gehalte en gedetailleerd. Dr Kruger se insette en korrekte diagnose het ‘n groot verskil in ons kind se lewe gemaak. Ek sal verseker Dr. Kruger aanbeveel vir enige ouer wat net die beste vir hul kind wil hê.

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